I want one for my stereo.

These are pretty funny.


The Alchemists

" Imagine a movie that, for the first time ever, pulls the curtain back to reveal a small group of individuals you've probably never heard of, but who undoubtedly changed your mind and your behavior."

The Alchemists is a movie about the people who changed advertising in 70s, 80s, an

These spots from AT&T ran in 1993.


Considering that my chosen career lies within a spectrum that spans

advertising, design and communications in general.

By now, most everyone in the advertising world has seen the dove campaign. So, with the ethical irreverence that generally produces great advertising, I give you,

Slob Evolution.

Or, creative juice.

I arrived at Dexter's little late and wasn't quite sure who to look for or introduce myself too. But I was quickly greeted, not by one of the attendees, but by the white pulsing Apple logo prominently displayed on a titanium notebook, right next to a glass of bass–I think.

This is great. Nice find.

Some new spec work.

Agency: MacLaren McCann, Calgary, Canada

Agency: Draft FCB, Indonesia

Conversation avec David Ogilvy

envoyé par cattias

thanks Cyril

Mini browser hack. Uses HTML or iFrames.

Search the web from here.

1. America will invade Mars. Sometime in February. We've pissed all the locals off. The universe is sure to have some untapped resources we can plunder while not being spotted for a few centuries.



A Buy That Melts In Your Mouth, Not In Your Hand

IN WHAT IS LIKELY ONE of the sweetest new media offerings in a while, MasterFoods will go from being a media buyer to a media seller, offering other marketers a chance to place their corporate and consumer brands, logos and other messages on M&Ms cho

Still love this. Watch closely.

Some of these are old, some are new. Some really cool stuff.



October 2nd, 2006

One more day.

I've been extremely busy with work these past few weeks.

I will be uploading some new creative from other agencies as well as what we've been working on here at the agency.

I've begun writing new material too.



Design observations dealing with the new technology-based

corporate identities popping up.

I'm about to lose my job.

Original Post

This is letter from Adobe in response to a blog that critques a banner advertisement for Adobe's FLEX 2 program. Adobe's comparative for AJAX.

Below you will find a response posted on the blog from Jeff Whatcott,


thanks Why Advertising Sucks

"What came before, the asshole exec, or the asshole account?

Some people might write this off as an easy question to answer but you know what? I don’t want to give the benefit of the doubt to the exec this time.



Sprite can redesign


Design yourself to death

thanks DesignObserver


Reflective Judgment

As with most of my posts, I was inspired to respond;

Overview of the Reflective Judgment Model's Three Developmental Periods

The conceptual framework for reflective judgment is that of a stage model characterized by seven distinct but developmentally related sets


"the next pyscho-epidemic buzzword we can love to loathe is “rejuveniles,” who are adults who won’t grow up. It’s not a new phenomenon, but it is the subject of a new book called "Rejuvenile,” by one,"

I already loathe it.


Type Of Advertisement: Magazine

Category: OTC Pharmacy

Title: BEAR


Product or Service: CONDOMS


Metal won: Bronze

United Airlines


Fallon London


Type Of Advertisement: Newspaper


I'm not a huge fan of these but they are fresh and unique.


My favorite out of all the winners posted here

Comments on these?

Conceptually the unicycle is my favorite.

The Evolution of Creativity is Underway

"With consumer behavior evolving toward a more empowered status—the definition of creativity has shifted from one-dimensional skills to a four-dimensional type of creativity that blends logical thinking with creative problem solving.

Line: Anything for the shot.

Ford Spot


Agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago.

thanks Billboardom


Agency: Grey Northwest

Creative Director: Craig Redmond

Writer: Mike Leger

Art Director: David Wong

Illustrator: Bart Allan

Lolly Pops

Agency: DDB, Spain


Agency:Jotabequ Grey, San Jose

Earlier this year I sent an internal email to a few of the Vps I work

with concerning the nature of design which I posted a portion of

earlier this month. 6.02.2006 Some agreed while others

seemed confused. Understandable but, none-the-less, a problem.

( sharing the pencil )

For me personally, conceptual thinking requires the combining

of several ideas previously considered unrelated.

Followed by an execution, which provides a tangible

experience of the concept physically and emotionally--Communication.
