I want one for my stereo.

These are pretty funny.


The Alchemists

" Imagine a movie that, for the first time ever, pulls the curtain back to reveal a small group of individuals you've probably never heard of, but who undoubtedly changed your mind and your behavior."

The Alchemists is a movie about the people who changed advertising in 70s, 80s, an

These spots from AT&T ran in 1993.


Considering that my chosen career lies within a spectrum that spans

advertising, design and communications in general.

By now, most everyone in the advertising world has seen the dove campaign. So, with the ethical irreverence that generally produces great advertising, I give you,

Slob Evolution.

Or, creative juice.

I arrived at Dexter's little late and wasn't quite sure who to look for or introduce myself too. But I was quickly greeted, not by one of the attendees, but by the white pulsing Apple logo prominently displayed on a titanium notebook, right next to a glass of bass–I think.

This is great. Nice find.

Some new spec work.

Agency: MacLaren McCann, Calgary, Canada

Agency: Draft FCB, Indonesia
