Not just for creatives

I suppose that schools do not discourage creative thinking.

They simply can't offer the specialized attention any developing human ( toddler, teen or adult ) needs for cultivating creative thought.


1) Empirical observation of subject involved in the experience first hand.

2) An idiosyncratic set of questions that relate to the individual and the experience.

3) One-on-one conversation if possible.

4) Evaluate previous life-cycles if they are available.

Atlanta in just a few hours. Be back in three days.

Meritocracy 1.0

Branding requires a personal touch. Without it, habit eventually succeeds loyalty. To much creative can cause a disconnect with an abstract message while a forced strategy with poor creative translates into a cold and sterile message.


Meaning in a material world with a perceived notion of ubiquitous knowledge, does not occur randomly.

We create relevancy and shape what we mean.

Today someone mentioned my 'clean' style. Icky word. My style sucks and is relative to the objectives. If not, then perhaps I should cash in on a specific 'look and feel,'–never!

Style is a theory.

Technique is a perfect mistake.

I will be updating tomorrow and this weekend. This update will also contain all the posts from the 'laws' meme below this post.

Thanks to all you rockstars that participated.

Great stuff.

Perfect People Make Perfect Design.

Good job guys. This was really funny. I'm sure resumes will be flying in. This reminds me of that one joke; How do creative people do it...


This is a continuation of Revising the creative process. I ended here;

When you make a change, conceptually speaking, your creating a detour for the concepts and ultimately the prospect. And that detour will dictate the rest of the consumer journey.


Immerse yourself in all that is --> Dan


Aaron, publisher of has meme'd me. As he re-coupes from a long but successful semester, I'm betting this will be the last for a while. It's interesting tracing these things. I must be at the bottom of the bunch. I believe this meme has been around for two weeks.


I'm realizing that I don't really follow the jargon most agencys perpetuate to clients–what else is new.

Heres why:

A picture might very well be worth a thousand words but, that doesn't mean we should be using more then ten to describe or explain it.

I've had this post planned since I began this blog and completely forgot about it. I loved this post as did many others. And it's worth reiterating no matter how old it is.

Originally posted on Make Marketing History:

1) Marketing is not a department.

Dear Mr. Architect:

Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have somewhere between two and forty-five bedrooms. Just make sure the plans are such that the bedrooms can be easily added or deleted.

Found these here. Couldn't find any credits or refs to a source/artist.


" Great ideas are conceived and subsequently lost in the hands of creative geniuses, everyday. Frustration, rationalization, and despondence loom as creative people jump from idea, to idea, to idea... and fall short of actually making ideas happen.

"We don't have the money for that."

( budget allocation takes place after the big idea )

"It's been done before."

( all emotions have been touched. execution redefines them. )

If it is truly a new idea, there are no words to describe it.

Embrace them.

Aaron tagged me with a meme about gauging the personal success of a designer. The conversation started with Lauren Marie's blog post and was later turned into a meme by Graphic Design Blog. I'm humbled by the inquiry Aaron has made, all though, some may not consider me a designer.



Via, Umm-Yeah

I've seen these before but never got around to posting about them. There are other variations floating around the intrawebs somewhere. I'll post those as well when I find them.

I really dig mine; Sagittarius.


Adholes founder Marc Lefton recently passed on a freelance gig with OnCardMarketing and in doing so, recommended me for the job. Thanks-man!

OnCard Hired me to create a logo for their new community-based fund raising program; iBakeSale.


Or, at-the-least, my personal productivity. ( or lack off? )

Aaron Russell has tagged me with this meme. Which isn't helping with my productivity.

So here goes;


A note pad. Always. With a writing utensil of some sort. I once used pigeon poop to jot a campaign down.


What would a child's drawing look like if it were painted realistically?

The Monster Engine, from Dave Devries's gives us a look.

Below are a few of my favorites. You can view more here.


A concept, within a concept, within a concept, within another.

I love it. Winks to those that get it.

The first step to resolving a conceptual ( communicating our client's message ) problem with relevancy begins with understanding that conceptual thinking is not opportunistic. It is episodic. There is no top-down, left or right convention.


Agency: Pragma DDB, Lima, Peru

Creative Director: Ricardo Chadwick, Alvaro Naddeo, Emilio Diaz

Art director: Alvaro Naddeo

Copywriter: Jaime Chehade

Illustrator: Albero Naddeo

Photographer: Juanjo Rosales

Retouch: Carlos Luna

via Design Idea


Through an email recently, someone asked me what I thought about a campaign they we're presenting. They wanted to know what I felt about it. And If it needed 'more.'


To be honest, I didn't feel anything.


Robyn McMaster, on Brain Based Biz has tagged me with:

Goals as a blogger.

Read on. :)

Blogging provides me with an outlet that I feel is inherently dependent on my nature; observation and introspection. Neither one the predecessor.


Thanks to Adhole's member Tracey Lawrence for finding this painfully true and hilarious video.

And JibJab for creating it.



Some pass news along.

Some digg it.

Some shovel it.

Some are an authority, either through readership or because

they claim to be a professional within their given industry.

Some pontificate while others make me laugh out loud.






Hello and welcome,

imagine a formula,

for creating clarity,

of ideas and communication,

chemistry for relevancy

and originality,

create a voice,

that is heard over a thousand other voices,

without shouting,

without shouting,

without shouting,


Learn what Net Neutrality is and vote for it.

This isn't some minor political issue.

This is about the 'culture' of invention and thought, mass intelligence leveraged.

Forget about Web 2.0, think Culture 2.0.

