
"Remember, the revolution starts with you, and it can start now! Geographically, I am located in Seattle, WA, but you will soon find this cause knows no borders. Once you see the rewards for yourself you will be compelled to show others the way, and I encourage you to do so.


"What happens here, stays here" advertising campaign, claiming its risqué themes are "repulsive" and have damaged the city's growing reputation as a leading business travel market."

"If your here, it's because you believe you have what it takes to stand up for a community and keep it safe.



This blog has one objective. Rather, one that was recently given to me by a reader and fellow creative friend, a few weeks ago. I'm still bent on being uniquely the epitome. However, Swiss thinks originality is UE's single-minded thought.

I find it hard to believe this has only been viewed 70,000. It's great.

Just great.


Funny and well written. And for those of you that are curious, this technique is considered an animatic.


Very cool. I think this should fall under some sort of new typography, or symbolic logic–something more then just sign language. Any ideas?

From C71123. You'll find a lot of interesting work there.

These are a few months old. It seems I have a stock-pile of creative the needs to be posted. Anyhow–these are a really nice use of the surrounding environment, nice art direction too. It's ok that they are intrusive.Everyone loves to work on Amnesty.

I've posted these mainly because of their beauty. I dig the scale and proportions of the turbines in relationship to the rigs. I'm also predisposed to feel like they are more attractive and less intrusive to the environment. Here's a bit of the background on these photographs.

A collection of watermelon sculptures.

Eat My Hamster has a little tutorial for creating these little edible masterpieces. I'm not sure how I would feel knowing the longevity of these pieces is dependent on everyone else's appetite. Very nice work though.

Today I would like to briefly touch base on how a creative sells themselves.

Below is an example of some verbiage I used in a resumé recently.

I would always title the pieces, followed by a description of the work and the technique and style used to introduce into society itself.

Found this on A Bowl of Stupid, as I am a fan of the site and of TOOL. I'll let Matt take it from here.

"This song, The Pot, is the second release off of their latest album, 10,000 Days.


BitFontMaker, from Pentacom is a sweet online pixel type creator. I'm a huge fan of pixel-based type faces and icons. You can create a complete typeface with every character, name it, copywright it and add it to the museum for download and use by other designers.

The History of Branding. Don't let the name fool you. This specific link leads to a page where you will find a hundred or so logos from the world's largest brands. Click on any of the logos to read a brief history/origin of the name, logo, or company itself.

What a great way to keep a child happy during a stressful time. They remain stimulated and active. A proponent of mental and physical health. I hope someone renames this. Maybe the Tri-V?

"Lets face it. Being a hospitalized kid sucks.

AIGA MIAMI is holding an exhibition of Paul Rand.

"If the word legend has any meaning in the graphic arts and if the term legendary can be applied with accuracy to the career of any designer, it can certainly be applied to Paul Rand (1914-1996).

43 minutes. Get some popcorn.


Life has been simplified and explained through simple graphing icons and animation.

Portfolio of Clemens Kogler.

It will leave you with a simple, peaceful smile, and a child-like smirk.

It's brilliant.


Scientist: Jacob Bronowski

" A man brings together two facets of reality and by discovering a likeness between them, suddenly makes them one."

Writer: Arthur Koestler

"...and mental occurrence simultaneously associated with two habitually incompatible contexts."

Mathematician: Jacques Hadamard

This is an old design doodle.

8 wishes

Take a look.

The goals they want to achieve are obtainable with the right link love.


Advertising award shows. It's getting close for us. Most of the agencies in town have spent the last two weeks preparing submissions for the local ADDY's. Someone mentioned submissions reaching around 1,300. Nice.

CLIENT: GrassChoppers™


Kiss our Grass! ( all italics )


Make the service appealing to 20-35 yr-olds with incomes ranging from $100,000 to $175,000.

1.22222 children.


People are lazy. And it's hot outside.


Vector-based animation against an audio backdrop of an interview with John Lennon.

I can't tell if it's a full-length feature film or not. The website doesn't

say anything other then an announcement of January 2007.

This is really interesting to watch. Nice job.

This guy does a really nice job with this.

Perhaps, the greatest commercial ever made.

Be A Mindsticker.


And blogging about it helps. ;)

Not bad overall. Funny.

thanks YesButNoButYes

A viral spot.

Unfortuntely I don't remember where I found this script, so if someone knows, let me know, and I'll credit it.

Go to any webpage. Try Googles'first. Once the page has fully loaded, delete the contents in the address bar, paste this code into it, and hit return.


After reading numerous articles today I had to close my laptop for a minute. I looked up at a few passing car's.

Is advertising dead?

I needed a second to think about these articles I continually read. I've been reading articles like these for a few years.
