Aaron tagged me with a meme about gauging the personal success of a designer. The conversation started with Lauren Marie's blog post and was later turned into a meme by Graphic Design Blog. I'm humbled by the inquiry Aaron has made, all though, some may not consider me a designer.



Via, Umm-Yeah

I've seen these before but never got around to posting about them. There are other variations floating around the intrawebs somewhere. I'll post those as well when I find them.

I really dig mine; Sagittarius.


Adholes founder Marc Lefton recently passed on a freelance gig with OnCardMarketing and in doing so, recommended me for the job. Thanks-man!

OnCard Hired me to create a logo for their new community-based fund raising program; iBakeSale.


Or, at-the-least, my personal productivity. ( or lack off? )

Aaron Russell has tagged me with this meme. Which isn't helping with my productivity.

So here goes;


A note pad. Always. With a writing utensil of some sort. I once used pigeon poop to jot a campaign down.


What would a child's drawing look like if it were painted realistically?

The Monster Engine, from Dave Devries's gives us a look.

Below are a few of my favorites. You can view more here.


A concept, within a concept, within a concept, within another.
