Aaron, publisher of miLienzo.com has meme'd me. As he re-coupes from a long but successful semester, I'm betting this will be the last for a while. It's interesting tracing these things. I must be at the bottom of the bunch. I believe this meme has been around for two weeks.


I'm realizing that I don't really follow the jargon most agencys perpetuate to clients–what else is new.

Heres why:

A picture might very well be worth a thousand words but, that doesn't mean we should be using more then ten to describe or explain it.

I've had this post planned since I began this blog and completely forgot about it. I loved this post as did many others. And it's worth reiterating no matter how old it is.

Originally posted on Make Marketing History:

1) Marketing is not a department.

Dear Mr. Architect:

Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have somewhere between two and forty-five bedrooms. Just make sure the plans are such that the bedrooms can be easily added or deleted.

Found these here. Couldn't find any credits or refs to a source/artist.


" Great ideas are conceived and subsequently lost in the hands of creative geniuses, everyday. Frustration, rationalization, and despondence loom as creative people jump from idea, to idea, to idea... and fall short of actually making ideas happen.

"We don't have the money for that."

( budget allocation takes place after the big idea )

"It's been done before."

( all emotions have been touched. execution redefines them. )

If it is truly a new idea, there are no words to describe it.

Embrace them.
