1) The FCC will approve the use of Sex robots provided they use haptic technology, because of growing concerns about hygiene. You can look at the robot, but you can't touch-it. Touch-screens are cool, but–um, everyone keeps touching them–icky.


One Laptop Per Child


"Logos that stand for something"


"This is our Moto Chaser game running on the official iPhone & iPod Touch 2.2 OS, but outputing the video to TV using iPod AV cables.

We are using the MPTVOutWindow class to do this.

O&M, India created this experiential global warming piece for HSBC. I'm not sure where it ran ( or was run ), but I like the concept and the messaging. Nice work.

Thanks to Neatorama for the find.

From the portfolio of AsteroKid and Jonathan Vuillemin aka, Motraboy.


Nokia N96 - Bruce Lee defeats two Ping Pong players.

The official site.

One of the best uses of the landing page as a communication tool. Conceptually driven and to the point.

Thanks to Paul Isakson for the link.

"Since getting uploaded yesterday, the "Bike Hero" video has over 518,998 views and 2,238 comments.



Roy Wagner

Excerpt from: Too Definite for Words

... The distinction here is not a trivial one, because all words, and all symbols, insofar as they are points of reference, can be considered "namings".

Semantic URLs:

It is not proven to improve SEO anymore than usability testing proves a successful website before launch, but it does improve user/prospect retention and brand equity overall.

If there was one place I know the people have fun working at, it would be EVOK. They take fun–seriously. And having been formerly employed there, I know this from first-hand experiences. There is beer in the vending machines and whiskey in the bottles.

Source: "is a term used in the history of architecture, design, and archaeology. It refers to a derivative object which retains ornamental design cues to structure that was necessary in the original.

I think, at this point, it is clearly an effective model. Top-down was proven ineffective a long time ago. Hackers ( White, Grey, Black and Red ) have been using the model effectively for years.

The Internet is providing everyone with access and information. What we do with it, is potentially of our own respective consequences or rewards. If people, consumers or marketers continue to hoard information, then it's likely, by nature of parochial learning–they will become stupid.

Found via 08AMA, "Funny (and not so funny) bits from the campaign trail."

Copy Box web site

"CopyBox is built like an ordinary word processing software, but has some unique add ons that makes it easy to write interactive and dynamic texts."

The ending interview says a lot about the mindset of the existing agencies. Nice job guys.

A nice classic redux. Fun.

Branding–it starts with an experience and ends with an emotion. We give it a face and it's voice. Slowly, these attributes change with time as all relationships do. I think its imperative that this evolution takes place. Something must grow and change in order to stay relevant–to thrive.

While I hunt down and trap an apartment, please read and comment on; Exactomundo

Say hello.

He's a fun dude.

Send him some photos too. ;)

Next real post in three days.


These questions were originally posted on Adholes by Michael Iva. And they're good ones. It is a good exercise. As Micheal generally likes to make everyone think. I've added some additional thoughts to these answers as, I have more space to bable.


This question was originally asked by Jean David from within LinkedIn's Q:A section. I thought I would take a stab at this difficult question, as I think it affects all of us in different ways.



A friend at AKQA sent me a link to VISA's new microsite promoting the Olympic games. GO WORLD is a nice design and I really (as a bit of a techy) like the scalable background. I recently completed an exploration attempting the same thing.

"The other implication of Mr Shirky's thought is a generational one. Growing up with the assumption that you'll always be able to publish whatever you want to say, to whoever you want to say it, is going to make people different.

"Clearly, reading in print and on the Internet are different. On paper, text has a predetermined beginning, middle and end, where readers focus for a sustained period on one author’s vision.

I'm not sure why creatives and marketers question a programmers understanding of basic design principles. For the most part, programmers get it.

Found this on Jon Crowley's blog, The Broken Gentlemen, and I like the thinking behind these six points.

1. Piracy has ruined the business for everyone except the massive acts. Actually, the massive acts were generally the only ones making lots of money (for the recording industry).

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I recently tried to present this at a PKN event. I didn't do so well and frankly, it wasn't the right venue for discussion/debate or tomato-tossers. PKN= 20 slides, each slide presented in 20 seconds... No fuss.

Google's Image Labeler... As I mentioned here, there is still a lot of work needed to support relevancy for search.

My concern lies with the [potential] homogenization of creative and ad *spaces* as we would see even less flexibility within search, to create unique experiences for users.


Creativity is an intellectual labor. The truth of the matter, no idea can be considered a potential failure until it's respective execution has been experienced or utilized in some fashion.

Show me something that is not art.

Even with a successful implementation of a semantically-driven web, this will be very difficult to introduce.

Without user's contributing concise and accurate data of their own, sites will always sell advertising to the masses or be forced ( as always ) to generate better ideas with each campaign.
