Please allow me to qualify my list with this statement first; Establish a clear single-minded message or do not bother with a penetration campaign.

1) Cross-pollinate the online market segment with information about the company.

"If Star Wars was filmed two decades earlier and Saul Bass did the opening title sequence, it "might" look like this...

This was part of a school project.

This will be my new profile picture on networks that abuse user information.

1) Dynamic text that is selectable from within the movie despite being animated or affected by FX.

2) Dynamic roll-over and stop frame captions on products, services, clothes/apparel–like a pause button in a video game.

1) Exchange the dollar for one-hundred pennies.

2) Write the message on each penny.

3) Distribute the pennies personally.


( asked in the LinkedIn Q:A section )

Creativity, Art, Design–The Arts, are a blue collar sport. You get better by doing. And having the ability 'to do' means not allowing for more hierarchies to be developed. Technique is making the perfect mistake.

Take my brand–please. Formulate a process to effectively communicate benefits, solutions, products, lifestyles, or life-enhancing experiences to the prospects most likely to utilize them.

Found at Back Seat Marketers


The Decline of Heroes


Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.

" For The Crisis of the Old Order, the first volume in his continuing study of the Rooseveltian era, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., won the Society of American Historian's Francis Parkman Prize.
