Search is dead: Part 2
Search is dead: Part 1
As I am not the average or even median user or web surfer, I need to take a few things into consideration when applying this logic to my day-to-day; Search is dead. Essentially, it is for me and several *insert large number with a lot of zeros* users, too.
Search is dead: Part 1
Let's openly welcome Delivery. I no longer need to sit in front of my computer in order to access the information I'm interested in. In fact, as I've mentioned here, it's starting to find it's way to me.
The Communication Art
An agency's objective in my opinion and when given the opportunity; is to clearly, uniquely and effectively communicate an idea, product or service in a relative context.
1When someone asks you to copy something: Plagiarism
I received an email recently, asking me for my opinion on this matter. A few years ago, I made a comment on another blog regarding plagiarism, and the reader tracked me down. She sent me an email asking for my thoughts and opinions.
Ideas and action, talent is a species of vigor
Hopefully you have had the opportunity to read something from Eric Hoffer. His philosophies, writing and social commentary are always enlightening. His personal story is very interesting as well.
Apples, Nikes, Cokes, Facebooks, Zappos
Forget About Harley and Apple. On Dim Bulb, Baskin's recent article opens nicely:
"Marketing's dim science lets itself get distracted and misled by the stand-outs and exceptions.
Has the Internet Killed Print Journalism
Originally on Adholes
Events being validated by the people experiencing them as they happen, will be the News. The mountain top known as Media or journalsm, in theory, is becoming a mountain range. There is nothing wrong with that.
5 things that inspire me
I sourced this from a recent manifesto that I read.
Great thoughts worth reading.
"Some of what inspires us:
1. new ‘wealth’.
Traditionally, wealth has been based on money, family name, education, etc. But this definition of wealth is exclusionary, and even destructive.
Left and Right Flutter
Wish I had a better headline for this one. Couldn't think of anything while I was creating it. Simple though.
22 Great visual concepts about Humans
Received these in an email from a good friend/designer. I would consider these to be award winners.
I'm not sure where these originated from or who's portfolio they came from but, they're amazing. Very simple, in comprehension--complex in execution.
5 Principals of Invention
Scientist: Jacob Bronowski
" A man brings together two facets of reality and by discovering a likeness between them, suddenly makes them one."
Writer: Arthur Koestler
"...and mental occurrence simultaneously associated with two habitually incompatible contexts."
Mathematician: Jacques Hadamard
Fluid HTML: Flash and HTML Markup
Free to use and will have an open API for developers to contribute code and objects.
Vist Fluid HTML for more information.
I wonder how Adobe feels about this. Despite what some have said, I'm not sure it is a competitor to Flex or Flash Builder.
I'll need to poke around some.
Crowdsourcing is Schmoofty Part 1
Years ago (so odd, typing that), just after the Desktop Publisher's Scare, in between the Dot Bomb Massacre and during the subsequent Bubble-Bursting of every other middle-men industry, we had the Clip-Art Cornucopia–
Endless stacks of CDs in Staples, Office Depot, Creative Guy/Girls cubicle and li
Original post
Not just for creatives
I suppose that schools do not discourage creative thinking.
They simply can't offer the specialized attention any developing human ( toddler, teen or adult ) needs for cultivating creative thought.
Durex and Facebook = SexTree
Reminds me of that site that was going around--you could add names of people and they would have to approve or disapprove of your relationship.
Why Retail Is So Important
As Followers and Rich Reputations develop further, equating into authenticated-transparency and a meritocracy of ideas, products and services engulfs the creative classes, users will migrate away from their computers.
1) People will be openly-open about the nature of their business.
Crowdsourcing or Guess work, Part 2
As many traditional ad agencies continue to struggle with the pace of the Internet and emerging mobile and media technologies, some have begun to crowdsource their work. In an attempt, obviously, to generate buzz for their clients. Interesting.
2Excuse the mess
Recently had a problem with my layout and template for this blog.
So, you get what we've have here–which is, a failure to communicate.
I don't like anymore than you do. ;)
UPDATED: 9.12.09
Welcoming the black and white will do.
8 Thoughts on a successful campaign
Some call it Transmedia.
1) Cross-pollinate the online market segment with information about the company. Post information about the company on sister-blogs and find market segments that parallel your company/objective and connect with them. The internet is the largest social network of them all.