Creative Not So Common
–Images and artwork readily available for any user, under the creative commons license. In most cases, art, images or any iteration of creative intellectual property is tagged and categorized online, either in a private forum, social-network or indexed and searchable by most search engines.
Standards Vs. Expectations
Over the years both Flash gurus and Web Development Gurus have argued over standards, both from a technical standpoint when creating and deploying websites and content as well as user-based standards with UI development and experience, as a take-away.
Dunkin Donuts | Spike TV | Yoga, Swim, Lacrosse, Chess, Baby
These spots for Dunkin Donuts are funny. My favorite one is at the end. Watch them all or scrub through at :30.
Food Spring Network
I do not generally post information about work I've done, well–at work, but thought this was worth posting, as it has collectively taken a little under a year to develop and everyone at the agency is quite proud of it.