Excuse the mess
Recently had a problem with my layout and template for this blog.
So, you get what we've have here–which is, a failure to communicate.
I don't like anymore than you do. ;)
UPDATED: 9.12.09
Welcoming the black and white will do.
8 Thoughts on a successful campaign
Some call it Transmedia.
1) Cross-pollinate the online market segment with information about the company. Post information about the company on sister-blogs and find market segments that parallel your company/objective and connect with them. The internet is the largest social network of them all.
1) Video as application ( This means interface design, too )
2) Searchable video
3) AJAX working even harder to act like an object-oriented language for rich experiences
4) Mobile compliance on all fronts ( which includes animation with CSS, think Web 0.5 on your phone )
5) Seamless web-to-deskt