My type of a city
CitID is an ambitious community project where designers world wide are invited to design a logo for their city. They are aiming to collect a unique set of inspiring logos, displaying the various styles and trends in contemporary design all over the world.
The Impossible brief
To bring together two nations that for a long time have been physically close, yet mentally worlds apart.
The new site from Saatchi & Sattchi is looking for solutions to the 60 year-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The judges are a panel of Jews and Arabs from the BBR group.
The Streets Are Paved With Art
"Disintermediation is one of those interesting words that border on jargon, but it is too useful to abandon.
Someone has an idea–I should shush it
In my previous post (received well by most, some took it personally), I wrote a little about the problem with gauging new ideas against a set of parameters defined by old ideas and preconceptions--hindering what will be, by what was.