"Voted Time Out New York’s Most Creative New Yorker in 2009, Upper East Side artist Borbay has painted on-location around the world, including The Guggenheim, TriBeCa Grand, Woolworth Building, Elaine’s, Chrysler Building, Hancock Tower (Chicago) and San Marco Cathedral (Milan).

N-3D DEMO from aircord on Vimeo.

via Creative Networks→. The multiscreen application on the iPad is made using openFrameworks. The other parts such as the sound reactive examples were made using MaxMSP.

Skateboardanimation from Tilles Singer on Vimeo.

TRI▲NGLE from Onur Senturk on Vimeo.

While reading an article on how Facebook censors images (in this case, a self promotional Ad) that contain nipples, meanwhile mainstream media is running the ad without concern, I noticed the irony within the display ad served right next to the article.
