BORBAY - Professional Location Artist
"Voted Time Out New York’s Most Creative New Yorker in 2009, Upper East Side artist Borbay has painted on-location around the world, including The Guggenheim, TriBeCa Grand, Woolworth Building, Elaine’s, Chrysler Building, Hancock Tower (Chicago) and San Marco Cathedral (Milan).
N3-D Demo: Remember the Hologram in the Rebel Base?
N-3D DEMO from aircord on Vimeo.
via Creative Networks→. The multiscreen application on the iPad is made using openFrameworks. The other parts such as the sound reactive examples were made using MaxMSP.
Stop Motion Paper Skaters
Skateboardanimation from Tilles Singer on Vimeo.
TRI▲NGLE from Onur Senturk on Vimeo.
While reading an article on how Facebook censors images (in this case, a self promotional Ad) that contain nipples, meanwhile mainstream media is running the ad without concern, I noticed the irony within the display ad served right next to the article.