Wisdom and experience often only provide polished iterations. In order to do something new, it's best to forget the rules long enough to break the old ones, subsequently creating new ones. Technique is making the perfect mistake. Play allows for this.

I think it is okay. We have enough critics as it is. ;)

I think most do not comment for fear that said marketer or creative agency may one day be their employer.

I do not believe you can instantly teach design. I do not think a few workshops will help either. Not without repeated practical hands-on demonstrations (a class).

My thoughts on the title, wether implicitly used or discreetly managed, on working with Junior or Senior creative people; Seniors provide well-reasoned and rationale solutions based on strategic thinking.

Semiotics and it's 3 branches;

▪ Semantics:

Relation between signs and the things to which

they refer; their denotata, or meaning

▪ Syntactics:

Relations among signs in formal structures

▪ Pragmatics:

Relation between signs and the effects they

have on the people who use them

I've written a

1. Gather insight(s), which include the client's objectives and a competitive analysis. Your solution is dependent on the initial input used to guide it. Know your mediums thoroughly, too. Meet with a client, establish a relationship.

Carl Sagan:

"Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.

I find it interesting when people within the agency and marketing world congratulate themselves on a successful strategy or creative idea. I find it extremely funny listening to the comments when a strategy or creative idea fails.

Actelion Imagery Wizard from onformative on Vimeo.

"Tesco's Mobile Retailing Strategy in Korea: Using QR Codes on Digital Display Boards in Subway Stations, Consumers can shop while they wait for the train and their order is ready at their home by the time they arrive."

Unfortunately, this wouldn't work within most New York City subways.

How CSS can be used to query a user's browser history

Check out the Google Doc→ to learn more.

Everything that is experienced, perceived, photographed, used and interacted with can be organized into a grid–static or fluid.

Which is to say; a rigid, strict or quite structure is always needed whenever presenting information in context to other information.

A silly term that seems to be growing in popularity again.

Creativity requires no definition as the end-result of creativity can neither be confirmed nor denied as creative. Which is to say; what you make, doesn't need to be anything more than what it becomes to others.

"Thus a phoneme is a group of slightly different sounds letters which are all perceived to have the same function by speakers typographers of the language or dialect in question."

I've always loved playing with type. We're exposed to letter forms very early on in our lives.

1. The sadness of most art is that it does not know its future. The sadness of computer art is that it does not know its past.

2. Constraint is liberty; reduce to the maximum.

3. If it looks just like, you know, ‘art’…it probably isn’t.


Projeqt CMS Tutorial from projeqt on Vimeo.

Recently received my beta invite for projeqt\

From the site;

"The Creative Storytelling Platform - The most interesting stories tend to be the ones that deviate, go off-track a little, and take a tangent. It makes a story richer.

Preface: There are a lot of new companies popping up in the technology and Sass market. Web based, mobile based, and the rebel based. As usual, there is a lot of writing, tweeting, posting and otherwise uninformed opinions being tossed out into the cloud(s).

I hear this a lot, expressed in many different ways; It's been done before, I've seen this but a little different, This reminds me of that one thing, So and so is already doing something similar.

This is a lonely sandbox to play in, isn't it? I think this is oxymoronic. Ideas beget ideas.

User Interface: Communicate, Direct, Alert

User Experience: Express, Emote, Experience

These two terms mean more than their current contextual usages imply. These words relate to everything we see, experience, buy, drive–things we use.

Legacy of Letters from Luca Barcellona on Vimeo.

via Design You Trust

Great video.

This is very inspiring and well written.

Nice work.
