Playful design
Wisdom and experience often only provide polished iterations. In order to do something new, it's best to forget the rules long enough to break the old ones, subsequently creating new ones. Technique is making the perfect mistake. Play allows for this.
Critiquing other creative's work online
I think it is okay. We have enough critics as it is. ;)
I think most do not comment for fear that said marketer or creative agency may one day be their employer.
Design for the non-designer
I do not believe you can instantly teach design. I do not think a few workshops will help either. Not without repeated practical hands-on demonstrations (a class).
Junior or Senior?
My thoughts on the title, wether implicitly used or discreetly managed, on working with Junior or Senior creative people; Seniors provide well-reasoned and rationale solutions based on strategic thinking.
Defining a visual brand element
Semiotics and it's 3 branches;
▪ Semantics:
Relation between signs and the things to which
they refer; their denotata, or meaning
▪ Syntactics:
Relations among signs in formal structures
▪ Pragmatics:
Relation between signs and the effects they
have on the people who use them
I've written a
Solving design problems
1. Gather insight(s), which include the client's objectives and a competitive analysis. Your solution is dependent on the initial input used to guide it. Know your mediums thoroughly, too. Meet with a client, establish a relationship.