Technological things to come–maybe
Security and Authenticity will be the new commodity
The Web/Cloud is posed to resolve and de-throne the hucksters within this area of expertise. And Google has a few things brewing that could be really great for all of us, or really bad.
Opinions suck
Through an email recently, someone asked me what I thought about a campaign they we're presenting. They wanted to know what I felt about it. And If it needed 'more.'
To be honest, I didn't feel anything.
Condition One: Powerful Immersive Experiences
Watch the video below or vist their site→ for more information.
It almost seems like the logical way to experience a movie.
New UI trends
I've been utilizing a lot of these types of models within the past 6 months, as I'm sure a lot of other designers are doing. Here a few of the models that have been introduced to the masses with little resistance and a low learning curve.
Escape The Madness
I like this YouTube campaign.
Ubuntu for Android
Phone functionality on your desktop. Corrects the term mobile OS. Nice.
Design or Code first
Someone can be talented at both, expert in both and innovator in both. The real talent comes in doing them at the same time, within the same project and timelines. The same can be said for that of a writer who understands the context of their story well enough to doodle their vision on paper.
Designer or Illustrator
Graphic designers generally have a concise message they want to communicate and might employee an illustrator to help create elements that solve the design problem.
Modernly contemporary art
You can only evaluate work based on the work you've seen by others. This is were the challenge starts and ends. Art is nothing more than a contrast that either resonates with you or goes completely unnoticed by an equal to, or greater contrast. Two great words; Skeuomorph→ and Umwelt→.
Best fonts for printed documents?
Fonts are the tools or devices used to recreate, publish or show a typeface. So this post title should actually read, "Best typefaces for printed documents." A font is used to reproduce a typeface, digital or analog.