Concordance is the most common rule that I'm aware of. But most importantly, balance and symmetry in the blocks of copy they create.

When objectively defining type pairs, I think it's important to consider the type of content, space it's being seen in, and the message it's communicating.

A logo is the introduction, and the sign-off. Nothing more than familiarity, thereafter.

It is the epistemological value most associated with a brand, and how the person has experienced the idea, product or service (ips) of a brand.

I do not believe roles should always be adhered to, or rigid in executional aspects. Especially given that seasoned designers have learned a great deal more about design and have the ability to overalp, negating the need for other positions.

I was recently asked about my personal identity—if I have one; how often it's updated; the process behind it.

The short, concise answer:

My work is my identity.
