We do not judge wether it's a good or bad expression of creativity, but we accept that this expression has resulted in a familiar likeness with this new thing.
With this said; many people and companies presume that there is a process, something repeatable, learnable on a mass scale—predicated on the industrial model, to consistently produce and express creativity with identical success each time. Unfortunately "creative process" is an oxymoron. Creativity is idiosyncratic, rarely pragmatic, and often a result of informed ignorance (another oxymoron). Technique is making a perfect mistake—an unintended discovery, while having honed the technical skills to refine and shape the mistake (or discovery) into something familiar. Technique is what defines the expression of creativity into something useful; acceptable; beautiful, ugly, useless, abstract—
We should also be clear and isolate creativity from art, or art-forms. You do not need to be an artist to express creativity. But artists (in all fields/art-forms) are generally more receptive to receiving external input and thinking, translating it through an art-form, yielding a form of creative expression (writing, music, design, art, sculpting, architecture, fashion, industrial design). Show me anything in this world that wasn't created, by someone. Regardless of their job title or function, artistic ability or skill. The world around us has been shaped and refined through creative expression, for better or worse.
With all I've stated above, and to answer your question specifically; No. These are self-induced allusions and another creative attempt at expressing—expression. It generally depends on the individual, and their ability to receive; interpret; translate; and express their creativity within the external world.
Many people incubate, many rapidly iterate, many work methodically—linearly. But under no circumstances does everyone work the same way. That would be the antithesis of creativity. And limit the diversity of thought and expressions of culture, and humanity as a whole. We'd all be a bunch of self-replicating, unaware bots.
Many people can and do work in teams, but rarely do you ever see one head, and many wrists. If you do, it's because many of the concepts and creative forms have already been decided or expressed in such a way that other's are simply copying a defined technique, not engaging in a creative process.
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